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Col. Epes Sarget (1690 - 1762)

Notable Members[]

  • Col. Hon. Epes Sargent (1690-1762), He was the Magistrate of Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA.

Descendants of William Sargent and Mary Duncan[]

William Sargent married on 21 Jun 1678 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America to Mary Duncan. She was born on 12 Nov 1659 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America to Peter Duncan (1629 - ) and Mary Epes ( - ) and died on 28 Feb 1725 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.

  1. Fitz William Sargent I was born on 8 Jan 1678 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America and died on 28 Jan 1690 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  2. Peter Sargent was born on 27 May 1680 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America and died on 11 Feb 1724 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  3. Mary Sargent was born on 29 Dec 1681 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America.
  4. Daniel Sargent was born on 31 Oct 1685 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America and died

    Coat of Arms of William and Col. Epes Sargent

    on 20 Jul 1713 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  5. Jordan Sargent was born on 22 Jan 1687 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America and died in 1689 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  6. +Col. Hon. Epes Sargent was born on 12 Jul 1690 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, North America and died on 6 Dec 1762 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He married 1st on 1 Apr 1720 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Hester Maccarty. She was born on 21 Jul 1701 in Roxbury, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 1 Jul 1743 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. They had 10 children. He married 2nd on 10 Aug 1744 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Catherine Winthrop. She was born on 9 Mar 1711 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 10 Jan 1781 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. They had five children.
  7. Ann Sargent was born on 6 Aug 1692 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 8 Oct 1782 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. She married on 16 Feb 1720 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Nathaniel Elery ( - ). They had at least four children.
  8. Andrew Sargent was born on 21 Aug 1693 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  9. Samuel Sargent was born in 1694 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 11 Oct 1697 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  10. Fitz-John Sargent was born on 2 Jun 1696 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 20 Jan 1697 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  11. Machani Sargent was born on 9 Apr 1699 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  12. Jabez Sargent was born on 30 Jan 1700 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 31 Jan 1700 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  13. Fitz William Sargent II was born on 21 Oct 1701 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He married on 3 Sep 1789 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Anna Parsons ( - ).
  14. Winthrop Sargent was born on 11 Mar 1703 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.

Col. Epes Sargent and Hester Maccarty[]

Col. Hon. Epes Sargent was born on 12 Jul 1690 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 6 Dec 1762 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He is buried in First Parish Burial Ground in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He was the Magistrate of Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married 1st on 1 Apr 1720 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Hester Maccarty. She was born on 21 Jul 1701 in Roxbury, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 1 Jul 1743 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. They had 10 children. He married 2nd on 10 Aug 1744 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Catherine Winthrop. She was born on 9 Mar 1711 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 10 Jan 1781 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. They had five children.

  1. Epes Sargent, Jr. was born on 17 Feb 1720 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died in Jan 1779 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. His probate is dated on 1 Mar 1779 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He married on Jul 1744, 22 Feb 1745 or 20 Mar 1746 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America or Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Catherine Osborne. She was born on 6 Nov 1722 to John Osborne (1688 - 1768) and Sarah Woodbury ( - ) and died on 7 Feb 1788 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In They had seven children.
  2. Esther Sargent was born on 20 Sep 1722 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. She married on 26 Aug 1743 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America to Col. Thomas Goldwaith. He was born on 15 Jan 1717 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America to John Goldwaith ( - ) and Jane Unknown ( - ) and died on 31 Aug 1799 in Walthamstow, Essex, England. He married second on 19 Feb 1746 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America to Katherine Barnes. She was born in 1715 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America to John Barnes (1690 - 1739) and Elizabeth Bene (1690 - 1742) and died on 16 Dec 1796 n Walthamstow, Essex, England.
  3. Ignatius Sargent was born on 27 Jul 1724 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He died in a foreign land.
  4. Thomas Sargent was born on 16 Ap 1726 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 24 Apr 1727 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  5. Winthrop Sargent was born on 6 Mar 1727 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 3 Dec 1793 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Dodge Row Cemetery in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA he was a ship owner and prosperous merchant. In 1775 he was on the Committee of Safety. In 1788 he was one of the delegates to the Sate Convention for ratifying the Federal Convention. He gave away part of his land for the first Universalist Church in America. The church was also on part of his brother's Epes Sargent, Jr.'s land. He built a large three story house in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He was Acting Government Agent of Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  6. Sarah Sargent was born on 6 Aug 1729 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. She married Nathaniel Allen. He was born on 15 Oct 1718 to Joseph Allen ( - ) and Mary Unknown ( - ).
  7. + Daniel Sargent, Esq. was born on 18 Mar 1731 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 18 Feb 1806 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married o 3 Feb 1763 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Mary Turner. She was born on 1 Jan 1743 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 30 Nov 1813 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. They had seven children.
  8. William Sargent was born on 29 Aug 1734 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  9. Benjamin Sargent was born on 18 Oct 1736 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.
  10. Mary Ann Sargent was born on 1 Dec 1740 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America.

Col. Epes Sargent Catherine Winthrop[]

  1. Paul Dudley Sargent
    Col. Hon. Judge Paul Dudley Sargent, Esq.
    was born in about 1745 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 15 Sep 1827 in Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, USA. He is buried in the Paul Dudley Plot, Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, USA. On 12 Nov 1772 in Essex County, Massachusetts, North America he fought in the Battles of Lexington and Concord. On 17 Jun 1775 in Charlestown, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America he was close enough to the Battle of Bunker Hill that he received a wound even though he did not fight in it. On 17 Mar 1776 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America he was part of the Evacuation of Boston. On 16 Sep 1776 in Harlem, Manhattan, New York, USA he fought in the Battle of Harlem Heights as Colonel-Commandant. 28 Oct 1776 in White Plaines, New York, USA he fought in the Battle of White Plains. On 2 Dec 1776 in New York, USA he crossed the Hudson River at King Ferry. On 26 Dec 1776 in Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA he fought at the Battle of Trenton. In 1776 in Amherst, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, North America he was chosen Commander of the souther part of the Colony of New Hampshire and fought in the Battle of Long Island, New York, USA. On 3 Jan 1777 in Princeton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA he fought in the Battle of Princeton. In 1794 in Bowdoin, Sagadoahoc County, Maine, USA he was one of the first Overseers of Bowdoin College. In 1800, 1810, 1811, 1812 and 1813 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he was a Representative of Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, USA in the House of Representatives in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1828 when Hancock County, Maine, USA was incorporated he was eventually created, by Gov. John Hancock, Justice of the Peace, Judge of Probate and Judge of the Court of Common Please. In Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, USA he was also the first Postmaster. In 1790 and 1800 he was living in Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, USA. He married on 12 Nov 1722 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Lucy Sanders. She was born on 24 Nov 1752 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Hon. Thomas Sanders (1729 - 1774) and Lucy Smith ( 1733 - 1780) and died in Oct 1840 in Sullivan, Hancock County, Maine, USA.
  2. Ann Sargent was born in about 1746
  3. Catherine Sargent was born in about 1747.
  4. Mary Sargent was born in about 1749 and died in 1760 at her boarding school.
  5. Lt. Col. John Sargent was born in 1750 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 24 Jan 1824 in Barrington, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada. He was baptized on 2 Dec 1750 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. On 17 Mar 1776 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America he was sworn in the military as an Ensign in the Essex County militia. In 1775 he was a First Lieutenant of one of the three companies of loyalist troops which was organized in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America. On 17 Mar 1776 he left Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, North America to go to Nova Scotia, Canada during the evacuation of Boston with the British Army and his brother Col. Paul Dudley Sargent (c.1745 - 1827) was leading the company. In Oct 1777 in New York, USA his regiment formed part of the expedition that captured Forts Clinton and Montgomery. In 1779 in New England, USA he was made Lieutenant of the same regiment. In 1809 in Nova Scotia, Canada he was appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Nova Scotia Regiment of Milita. In Barrington, Shlburne, Nova Scotia, Canada he was a representative for twenty six years. He married in 1784 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Margaret Whiting Whitney. She was born on 22 Jul 1749 in York County, Maine, North America Dr. John Whitney ( - ) and died on 2 Aug 1824 in Berrington, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada. They had four children.

Daniel Sargent, Esq. and Mary Turner[]

Daniel Sargent, Esq. was born on 18 Mar 1731 in 

Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 18 Feb 1806 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married o 3 Feb 1763 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Mary Turner. She was born on 1 Jan 1743 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 30 Nov 1813 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. They had seven children.
Daniel Sargent II

Daniel Sargent (1731-1806)

  1. Capt. Hon. Daniel Sargent, Jr. was born on 15 Jun 1764 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 2 Apr 1842 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1802 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he was from it's beginning, the Director of the Boston Bank. From 1805 to 1810 and 1813 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he a Representative of the Boston Legislature. From 18111 to 1814 he was a Senator from Massachusetts. From 1813 to 1821 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he was the 12 Treasurer and Receiver-General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He married on 4 Dec 1802 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to Mary Frazier. She was born on 9 Mar 1774 in Newburyport Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Moses Frazier ( - ) and Elizabeth Ballentine ( - ) and died on 28 Jul 1804 in Wrenthem, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  2. Maj. Hon. Ignatius Sargent was born on 1 Nov 1765 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 18 Jan 1821 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1850 he was living in Methuen, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married first on 26 Apr 1792 in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to Mary Parsons. She was born on 25 Jun 1771 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America to Capt. Thomas Parsons (1731 - ) and Sarah Sawyer ( - ) and died on 1 Oct 1792 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married second on 20 Oct 1795 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to Sarah Ellery. She was born on 30 May 1777 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to John Stevens Ellery ( - ) and Esther Sargent (1755 - 1811) and died on 1 Sep 1839 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA.
  3. + John Turner Sargent was born on 27 Mar 1769 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 10 Feb 1813 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Forest Hills Cemetery and Crematory in Jamaica Plain, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was a leader of society but was not successful in business. He married on 12 Oct 1806 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Christina Keadie Swan. She was born on 10 Apr 1779 in Massachusetts, North America and died in 1867 in Burlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. They had three children.
  4. SelfPortrait ca1795 byHenrySargent MFABoston
    Col. Hon. Henry Sargent
    was born on 25 Nov 1770 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 21 Feb 1845 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was baptized on 25 Nov 1770 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He graduated from Dummer Academy, now called The Governor's Academy, in the village of Bayfield, Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1826 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA he graduated from Harvard. In 1779 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he became an Orderly Sergeant in the Boston Light Infantry. In about 1790 he became interested in painting. In 1804 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA  he was elected Captain of the Boston Light Infantry and resigned in 1815. From 1809 to 1810 he was Lieutenant Colonel while he was not eh staff of Governor Gore. In 1812 in Massachusetts, USA he was a Member of Legislature of Massachusetts. In 1814 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he helped fortify Fort Strong in Boston Harbor of an expected attack by the British. On 31 May 1815 he was appointed aide-de-camp. From 1815 to 1817 in Massachusetts, USA he was a Member of Legislature. In 1840 in Manhattan, New York, USA he was made an Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design. His paintings were: Landin go the Pilgrims, The Tailor's News, The Tewa Party, the Dinner Party, Self Portait, Daniel Sargent, Mrs. Daniel Sargent, Henry Jackson Sargent, Gen. Richard Devens, Christ entering Jerusalem, Starved Apothecary, Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, John Turner Sargent, Jonathan Harris, Jeremy Belknap, Altar piece for the cChurch of the holy Cross, Christ Crucified, Reverend John Clarke, Howard Sargent, Adam Louis Bingaman, General Henry Knox.In 1810 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married Hannah Wells. She was born on 8 Oct 1778 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and to Samuel Wells (1724 - 1799) and Isabella Pratt (1753 - 1788). They had four children.
  5. Mary Osborn Sargent was born on 30 Sep 1780 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 12 Sep 1781 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  6. Winthrop Sargent was born on 31 May 1783 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 11 Jan 1808 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  7. Lucius Manlius Sargent was born on 25 Jun 1786 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 2 Jun 1867 in Roxbury, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married in 1816 to Mary Binney. She was born on 22 Sep 1786 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA to Dr. Barnabas Binney, M.D. (1751 - 1787) and Mary Woodrow ( - ) and died on 3 Feb 1824.

John Turner Sargent and Christina Keadie Swan[]

John Turner Sargent was born on 27 Mar 1769 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, North America and died on 10 Feb 1813 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Forest Hills Cemetery and Crematory in Jamaica Plain, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married on 12 Oct 1806 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Christina Keadie Swan. She was born on 10 Apr 1779 in Massachusetts, North America to Col. James Swan (1754 - 1830) and Hepzibah Clarke (1757 - 1825) and died in 1867 in Burlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. They had three children.

  1. Rev. John Turner Sargent, Jr. was born on 12 Jun 1807 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 26 Mar 1877 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Forest Hills Cemetery and Crematory. He graduated from Harvard in 1827 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He graduated from Harvard Divinity School in 1830 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. On 2 Dec 1834 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA he became minister-at-large of the Suffolk Street Chapel in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was ordained on 29 Oct 1837. In 1846 he became the first pastor of the First Unitarian Church in Somerville, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he was pastor of the South Universalist Society. In 1846 he was living in Somerville, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1850 and 1870 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married first on 2 Dec 1834 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to Charlotte Sophia White. She was born on 8 Aug 1816 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to Capt. Joseph White ( - ) and Eliza Story ( - ) and died on 1 Jun 1854 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was married to hi second wife by Rev. George Putnam ( - ) on 4 Jun 1855 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Mary Elizabeth Fiske. She was born on 17 Jan 1827 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to Capt. Eben Fiske ( - ) and Emily Ward ( - ) and died on 31 May 1904 in Manhattan, New York, USA.
    Rev. John Turner Sargent, Jr.

    Rev. John Turner Sargent, Jr.

  2. Henry Jackson Sargent was born on 14 Nov 1808 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 16 Nov 1867 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He went to Harvard but left at the end of his senior year to enter Law School and was admitted to the Bar, but only practice for awhile. In 1860 he was living in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married to Margaret Atwood Williams. She was born on 4 May 1809 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Thomas Williams ( - ) and Susan Atwood ( - ) and died on 16 Apr 1894 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  3. + Dr. Howard Sargent, M.D. was born on 4 Jan 1810 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 14 Sep 1872 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. He married on 12 Oct 1836 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Charlotte Cunningham. She was born on 23 Dec 1817 in Halifax, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to Lt. Richard Cunningham, Esq. ( - 1835) and Sarah Apthorp Morton (1782 - 1844) and died on 7 Mar 1888 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. They had seven children.

Dr. Howard Sargent, M.D. and Charlotte Cunningham[]

Dr. Howard Sargent, M.D. was born on 4 Jan 1810 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 14 Sep 1872 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. In Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA he graduated from Harvard with honors and was the youngest man in his class. In Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA he practiced medicine. In 1840, 1850 and 1865 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married on 12 Oct 1836 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Charlotte Cunningham. She was born on 23 Dec 1817 in Halifax, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to Lt. Richard Cunningham, Esq. ( - 1835) and Sarah Apthorp Morton (1782 - 1844) and died on 7 Mar 1888 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. They had seven children.

  1. Frances Cunningham Sargent was born on 19 Dec 1837 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 13 Dec 1922 in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  2. Charlotte Howard Sargent was born on 18 Jan 1840 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 13 Aug 1869 in Tarrytown, Greenburgh, Westchester County, New York, USA. She married on 29 Nov 1864 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to John Dalling Parker.
  3. Howard Sargent, Jr. was born on 28 Jul 1842 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 23 Oct 1909 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  4. +Mary Sarah Sargent was born on 2 Jun 1844 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 4 Mar 1908 in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married firstly on 14 Jun 1864 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Alexander Malcolm Thomas. He was born on 2 Jun 1844 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 6 Dec 1879 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. They had eight children. She married secondly in 1883 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to John Vaughan Apthorp. He was born on 16 Sep 1844 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA to Harrison O. Apthorp (1809 - 1905) and Helen Clark (1818 - ) and died in 1939 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. They had two children.
  5. Ellen Sargent was born on 23 Jan 1845 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 16 May 1930 in Manhattan, New York, USA. She married Daniel Oakley. He was born on 5 Jun 1842 in Manhattan, New York, USA to William Forbes Oakley ( - ) and Sally Williams Sullivan ( - ) and died on 23 Feb 1888 in Manhattan, New York, USA.
  6. Alice Wentworth Sargent was born on 21 Jan 1851 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married on 13 Feb 1871 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to John Dalling Parker, Jr. He was born on 6 Aug 1841 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to John Dalling Parker ( - ) and Ellen Hale ( - ) and died on 19 Aug 1878 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  7. Richard Turner Sargent was born on 15 Mar 1854 in Manchester, Cape Anne, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA and died in 1936 in Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was an artist.

Mary Sarah Sargent and Alexander Malcom Thomas[]

Mary Sarah Sargent was born on 2 Jun 1844 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 4 Mar 1908 in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married first on 14 Jun 1864 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Alexander Malcolm Thomas. He was born on 2 Jun 1844 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Dr. Alexander Thomas, M.D. (1802 - 1874) and Elizabeth Malcolm Rand (1805 - 1863) and died on 6 Dec 1879 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. They had eight children. She married second in 1883 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to John Vaughan Apthorp. He was born on 16 Sep 1844 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA to Harrison O. Apthorp (1809 - 1905) and Helen Clark (1818 - ) and died in 1939 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. They had two children.

  1. Isaac Rand Thomas was born on 5 Oct 1864 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died in 1954. He is buried in Highland Cemetery in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. From 1764 to 1885 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA he was a student at Harvard. In 1880, 1889, 1910 and 1920 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 6 Sep 1907 in arrived in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1900 he was living in Swampsott, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. On 13 Feb 1924 he arrived in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1930, 1935 and on 1 Apr 1940 he was living in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. At one point he darted from Liverpool, North West, England as well as Southampton, Hampshire, England. He married in 1889 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Gertrude Fabyan. She was born on 3 Oct 1865 in Massachusetts, USA to George Francis Fabyan (1837 - 1907) and Isabel Frances Littlefield (1840 - 1909) and died in 1947. They had two children.
  2. Malcolm Thomas was born on 11 May 1867 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 15 Jul 1896 in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1870 and 1880 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He had a passport.
  3. + Elizabeth Whitwell Thomas was born on 16 Oct 1868 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 28 Jan 1952 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She was born in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She married on 15 Jan 1890 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Frederick Josiah Bradlee I. He was born on 28 Mar 1866 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Capt. Josiah Bradlee III (1837 - 1902) and Alice Crowninshield (1839 - 1926) and died on 13 Feb 1951 in Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA.
  4. Charlotte Cunningham Thomas was born on 28 Apr 1870 in Forest Hills, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 29 Mar 1873 in Forest Hills, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  5. Alexander Malcolm Thomas, Jr. was born on 11 Sep 1871 in Forest Hills, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 29 Mar 1873 in Roxbury, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  6. Gorham Thomas was born on 9 Sep 1872 in Forest Hills, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 2 Dec 1872 in Forest Hills, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.
  7. Mary Frances Thomas was born on 9 Oct 1873 in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died in 1941.
  8. Charles Kemble Thomas was born on 1 Apr 1878 in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 21 Dec 1881 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Mary Sarah Sargent and John Vaughan Apthorp[]

  1. Helen Sargent Apthorp was born on 8 Aug 1883 in Tiverston, Newport County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 9 Mar 1982 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She married on 25 Dec 1907 in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Henry Smith Thompson. He was born on 31 Oct 1871 in Senecavaille, Guerney, Ohio, USA to Leroy Wood Thompson ( - ) and Jane Smith ( - ). They had four children.
  2. Robert East Apthorp was born on 13 Feb 1885 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 11 Feb 1974 in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married on 24 Jun 1916 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA to Esther Williams. She was born on 12 May 1885 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Dr. Charles Herbert Williams ( - ) and Caroline Fisher ( - ). He married second on 20 Jul 1954 in Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Margaret Foster. She was born on 23 Mar 1893 in Manhattan, New York, USA and died on 29 Sep 1994 in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA.

Elizabeth Whitwell Thomas Frederick Josiah Bradlee I[]

Elizabeth Whitwell Thomas was born on 16 Oct 1868 in Dorchester, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 28 Jan 1952 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She was born in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1935, 1940 and 1952 she was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 20 Jun 1927 and on 21 Sep 1936 she arrived in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 29 Aug 1937 she arrived in Manhattan, New York, USA. She married on 15 Jan 1890 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Frederick Josiah Bradlee I. He was born on 28 Mar 1866 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 13 Feb 1951 in Arlington, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1888 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA he graduated from Harvard College. On 1 May 1918 he was in the military in New York, USA. He was a real estate broker agent at the firm of J. Murray Howe & Bradlee in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1880 he was living in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1885, 1887-1888 he was living in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1935, on 1 Apr 1940, and in 1943 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1929 he was living in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1930 he was living in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. On 22 Dec 1932 he arrived in Manhattan, New York USA. He at one time departed for Hamilton, Bermuda.

  1. + Frederick Josiah Bradlee, Jr. was born on 20 Dec 1892 in Back Bay Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 28 Apr 1970 on 28 Apr 1970 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He married on 3 Jul 1917 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA to Chevaliere Josephine de Gersdorff (1896 - 1975). They had three children.
  2. Theodore Chase Bradlee was born on 18 Dec 1895 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 1 Sep 1896 in Back Bay Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA.
  3. Sargent Bradlee was born on 17 Sep 1898 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 11 Jul 1987 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He graduated first from St. Mark's School in Southborough, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1922 he graduated from Harvard University in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He enlisted in the military on 2 Sep 1918 at 19 years old living at 211 Beacon Street, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and he was a student at Harvard University. After his service he was a real estate broker and for the Ordnance District, a war-related government agency in Massachusetts, USA. In 1910, 1917 to 1918, 1920 and 1958 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 10 Jun 1922, 10 Mar 1924, 12 Mar 1925, 12 Mar 1929 and 26 Apr 1929 he arrived in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1930 he was living in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1935 he was living Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. On 1 Apr 1940 and in 1940 he was living in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. He retied on in 1958 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 2 Mar 1958 he arrived in Hamilton, Bermuda. He married on 26 Apr 1929 in Manhattan, New York, USA to Catherine Louis Trippe. She was born on 5 Sep 1900 in New Jersey, USA to Charles White Tripp (1872 - 1920) and Lucy Adeline Terry (c.1878 - 1947) and died on 22 Nov 1994 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, UISA.
  4. Malcolm Bradlee was born on 27 Apr 1900 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 20 Oct 1960 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1922 he graduated from Harvard University in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. On 14 Oct 1918 he enlisted in the military. He started as partner and then became Vice President of the real estate firm of J. Murray Howe & Bradlee in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1900, 1910, 1917 to 1918, 1920, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1935, 1 Apr 1949 and 1957 he was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 11 Aug 1927 he was living in Quebec, Canada. On 23 Mar 1934 he was living in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1957 he was living in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. On an unknown dated he left Liverpool, England, Nassau, Bahamas, and Glasgow, Scotland. He married in 1927 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Alice Lee Whitridge. She was born on 12 Mar 1903 in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA and died on 21 Feh 1979 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1910 she was living in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA. In 1920, 1930, 1935, 1 Apr 1940 she was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 21 Aug 1921 and 6 Jun 1926 and 23 Mar 1934 she arrived in Manhattan, New York, USA. On 4 Sep 1923 she arrived in Quebec, Canada.

Frederick Josiah Bradlee, Jr. and Chevaliere Josephine de Gersdorff Edit[]

Frederick Josiah Bradlee, Jr. was born on 20 Dec 1892 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA to Frederick Josiah Bradlee I (1866 - 1951) and Elizabeth Whitwell Thomas (1868-1952) and died on 29 Apr 1970 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1900 he was aged 7 and living with his parents at 59 Chastant Street, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts and going to school. In 1908 he was at St. Mark’s School in Milton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. In 1910 he was living at West Cedar Street in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts with his parents. On 5 Jun 1917 he joined the army in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts as a second lieutenant, however he never went over seas. In 1920 he was living at Beacon Street, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts and working as a clerk for a bank. He arrived on 12 Aug 1928 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts on the ship “Scythia” coming from Liverpool, England. In 1930 he was renting a house living on block 1320 at 267  Beacon Street, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts; his home value was worth $300.00. In 1940 he was still living at 267 Beacon Street, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. The value of his house was worth $14,000. There is a WWII registration card dated 1942. He worked for, after he graduated from Harvard, the National Shawmut Bank as Secretary to it's president, William A. Gaston, then the WWI came and afterwards went back to work for the bank; he then went on to work for Richardson, Hill & Company and then for Blair & Company, Inc., first as a salesman and then as vice president in charge of their New England activities. In 1925 he was appointed to the Visiting Committee of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. In 1933 he had an office at 19 Congress Street, Boston, Massachusetts. For four years he was President and Treasurer of the cosmos Chemical Corporation, owned then by Bayard Warren. After that company folded he then became treasurer of Dexter School, the New England Peabody Home for Crippled Children, the Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities, the Gore Place Society and the Somerset Club and President of the Essex Country Club in Manchester. B was appointed to a draft board by Gov. Leverett Saltonstall at the outbreak of WWII and then in 1944 to the Parole Board. He was reappointed by several governors and finally in 1952 he was named it's chairman by Gov. Christian A. Herter; B resigned in 1957 at the age of 65. In 1957 he was elected to the Colonial Society of Massachusetts and in 1959 to the Massachusetts Historical Society.  In 1959 he was elected to the Council of the Essex Institute of Salem, Massachusetts. In 1959 he was elected to the council of the Peabody Museum and was there to 1969. He was on the Museum Committee from 1958 to 1964 as a member and then from 1961 as it's chairman. In 1960 he created a committee that were the "legally constituted as the Trustees of the Wayside Inn." In 1959 he became a member of a special committee to help save and move the Crowninshield-Bentley House from being torn down. In 1963 he became the general chairman of the Essex Institute Fund. He married on 3 Jul 1917 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts to Chevaliere Josephine de Gersdorff. She was born on 18 Jun 1896 in Manhattan, New York and died on 15 Oct 1975 in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts. She is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He memorial service was held on a Monday at Emmanuel Church 15 Newbury St, Back Bay, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She received the Legion d'honneur, Frances highest medal and honor to bestow, for creating an orphanage for parents in Nazi Occupied Europe to send their children for protection. In 1910 she was living in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1920, 1930, 1935 and on 1 Apr 1940 she was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 12 Aug 1928 she arrived in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1931, 1946, 1952 she was living in Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA. 

  1. Frederick Josiah Bradlee III was born on 6 Feb 1919 in Manhattan, New York, USA and died on 12 Jul 2003 in Manhattan, New York, USA. He dropped the "K" and the "III" from his name. His memorial service was held on 7 Jul 2003 on Thursday at 12:00 at the Church of The Resurrection in Manhattan, New York, USA. He had a string of lovers and parters thought his life. Attended Harvard University in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He enlisted in the army on 20 Jan 1942 at Fort Dix, Burlington County, New Jersey, USA. He was an actor on Broadway in Manhattan, New York, USA. He was co author with Cleveland Amory of the 1960 Vanity Fair: A Cavalcade of the 1920s and 1930s-the Best Stories, Articles, Humor, Photographs, Art from America's Most Memorable Magazine, author of the 1967 novel Esperie and A Lady In My Life (a book about his grandmother: Helen Suzette Crowninshield. In 1920, 1930, 1935, 1 Apr 1940, he lived in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 20 Aug 1936 he arrived in Manhattan, New York USA. In 1941 he was living in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. In 1993 he was living in Manhattan, New York, USA.
  2. + Chevalier Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee was born on 26 Aug 1921 in Back Bay, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 21 Oct 2014 in Georgetown, Washington, DC, USA. He married first on 8 Aug 1942 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Jean Saltonstall. She was born on 17 Jan 1921 in  Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 19 Jul 2011 in  Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married second to Antoinette "Tony" Eno Pichot. She was born on 15 Jan 1924 in Manhattan, New York, USA an died on 9 Nov 2011 in Milford, Pick County, Pennsylvania, USA. He married third on 20 Oct 1979 in Washington, DC, USA to Sally Sterling Quinn. She was born on 1 Jul 1941 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. She is lives in Washington, DC, USA.
  3. Constance Bradlee was born on 11 Apr 1923 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 10 Apr 1993 in Manhattan, New York, USA. She is buried in New Marlborough Cemetery in New Marlboroough, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA. She went to Beaver Country Day School in Chestnut Hill, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She went to the Modern School of Fashion and Design. She was a vlunteer fo the Red Cross during World War II. She was a Secretary for Vogue Magazine and the first Fashion Editor for Vogue Magazine's junior department in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1930, 1935 and 1 Apr 1940 she was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 16 Aug 1937 she arrived in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1939 she was living in Southborough, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. She at one point visited and left Le Havre, France. She married first to Francis Curtis Thayer. He was born on 6 Mar 1918 in Baldwin, Long Island, New York, USA to Raymond Lowery Thayer (1886 - 1955) and Lilian L. (1886) and died in May 1975 in Manhattan, New York, USA. She married second to David W. Devins. He was born on 10 Apr 1920 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Arthur Lithgow Devins (1879 - 1957) and Wenonah Wetmore (1883 - 1983) and died on 5 Feb 1995 in Manhattan, New York, USA.

Chevalier Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee and Sally Sterling Quinn Edit[]

Chevalier Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee was born on 26 Aug 1921 in Back Bay, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA and died on 21 Oct 2014 in Georgetown, Washington, DC, USA. He is buried in Oaks Hill Cemetery in Georgetown, Washington, DC, USA. In 1942, two hours after he graduated college he joined the Office of Naval Intellegence as a communications officer. Battles; 4 May  to May 8, 1942, Battle of the Coral Sea; 1942 Naval Battle of Guadalcanal; 1944, Second Battle of Guam; 1943, Battle of Vella Lavella 23-26 Oct, 1944 Battle of Letey Gulf; 1945 Bougainville Campaing. In 1946 he co founded the New Hampshire Sunday News; sold the paper in 1948 to William Loeb III. In 1948 he became a police reporter for the Washington Post. In 1951, became the pess attache for the American embassy in Paris In 1952 he joined the US Information and Education Exchange (USIE) where he would broadcast the CIA-directed European propaganda which lead to the controversial spying and executoin of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in Jun 1953. In 1954 joined Newsweek as a foreign correspondentds, had a contreversial interivew with the secret anti-French Algerian guerilla fighters led to his band from France. In 1957 he was expelled from France, however he was invited back to the country and received the Legion d'honneur. In 1959 he met with Sen. John F. Kennedy and his wife Jackie which led to their friendship until the 1963 JFK's assignation. In 1961 became bureau chief of News Week. In 1965 he became mannaging editor of News Week, a position wiich he held until 1965. In 1968 he became Executive Editor of the Washington Post until 1991 when he becme the Vice President. During that time he exposed the Pentagon Papers; he hired two Washington reporters name Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein and together they challenged President Richard Nixon which ultimately led to his resignation. He is the author of several books: Conversations with Kennedy published on 17 Nov 1984, his autobiography A Good Life: Newspaper and Other Adventures published in 1995 and a Father's And Sons' A Life's Work, which he co wrote with his son Quinn Josiah Crowninshield-Bradlee. In 1976 he was portrayed by actor Jason Robards in the film All the President's Men. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He married first on 8 Aug 1942 in in Lindsey Memorial Chapel in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to Jean Saltonstall. She was born on 17 Jan 1921 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA to John Lee Saltonstall ( - ) and died on 19 Jul 2011 in  Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. On 28 Apr 1953 she arrived in Manhattan, New York, USA. On 24 Sep 1955 she departed Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1959 and 1994 she was living in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. At one point she departed from Le Havre, France. He married second to Antoinette "Tony" Eno Pichot. She was born on 15 Jan 1924 in Manhattan, New York, USA an died on 9 Nov 2011 in Milford, Pick County, Pennsylvania, USA. She is buried in Milford Cemetery in Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, USA. On 1 Jun 1925, 1930 and on 19 Apr 1947 shew as living in Manhattan, New York, USA. In 1943 she was living in Poughkeepsie, Duchess County, New York, USA. He married third on 20 Oct 1979 in Washington, DC, USA to Sally Sterling Quinn. She was born on 1 Jul 1941 in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia to Chevalier Lt. Gen. William Wilson "Buffalo Bill" Quinn (1907 - 2001) and Sara-Bette "Bette" Williams (1918 - 2004). She graduated from Smith College in 1963 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA. She was the a co anchor woman for CBS with Hughes Rudd thus becoming the first anchor woman in America. She is a journalist and was a newspaper journalists. She is a best selling author and author of the following books: she wrote in 1975 We're Going To Make You A Star; in 1991 she wrote the novel Happy Endings; in 1997 she wrote The Party: A Guide To Adventurous Entertaining, in 2017 she wrote Finding Magic: A Spiritual Memoir. In 2015 she founded OnFaith.com a website about religion. She is lives in Washington, DC, USA.

  1. Josiah Quinn Crowninshield Bradlee was born on 29 Apr 1982 at George Washington Hospital in Washington, DC, USA. He graduated from the Gow School in Buffalo, New York, USA. He attended two years at Landmark College in Putney, Vermont, USA. Bradlee is the Founder and CEO of FriendsOfQuinn.com: a social network for young adults with learning differences and foer their friends and family; the author of his auto biography, "A Different Life; Growing Up Learning Disabled and Other Adventures and "A Life's Work, Father's and Son's, which he wrote with his father Benjamin C. Bradlee (1921 - 2014). He is was also the assistant producer of the HBO documentary "I Can't Do This But I Can Do That." Bradlee has interviewed celebrities with dyslexia on his website such as Steven Spielberg, David Boise, Sir Richard Branson, super agent Ari Emanuel, Lt. Governor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom, New York lawyer David Boies, and Whoopi Goldberg. He had also interviewed leading figures such as Indie race car driver Stan Wattles, Elisheva Schwartz, British journalist Barbara Salman, FRSA, Founder and Executive Dyslexic of Notice Ability Dean Bragonier, Founder of PlayDHD Kirsten Milliken, Co-Founder of Decoding Dyslexia Liz Barnes, and ADHD Expert and author of Psych Central Zoe Kessler. His first book was Growing Up Learning Disabled and Other Adventures which was a memoir of his child hood growing up with Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome that causes his learning differences. His second book he wrote with his father: Father's and Sons, A Life's Work; a memoir about growing up with his father working in the woods and Bradlee's father talks about his father. Bradlee made a small documtentary with filmmaker Mark Meuhime who founded Meuhime Motion Pictures called Life with VCFS. It was about his syndrome Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome (VCFS) and was filmed at the University of Syracuse, New York. He was the brainchild and co producer of the HBO documentaries "I Can't Do this, but I can do That." In November 2017 he was the brainchild and a co producer of the HBO documentary, The Newspaperman: The Life and Times of Ben Bradlee, his father and the legendary editor of the Washington Post during the Watergate Trials. Bradlee is a Fellow of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He is also a Member in the Most Venerable Order of Saint John of Jerusalem and a Knight Commander of the Royal House of Braganza.

Lineage to William Sargent[]

William Sargent (c.1610 - bef.1707)

m. Mary Duncan c.1659 - 1725)

Col. Epes Sargent (1690 - 1762)

m. Hester Maccarty (1701 - 1743)

Daniel Sargent II (1731 - 1806)

m. Mary Turner (1743 - 1813)

John Turner Sargent (1769 - 1813)

m. Christina Keadie Swan (1779 - 1867)

Dr. Howard Sargent, M.D. (1810 - 1872)

m. Charlotte Cunningham (1817 - 1888)

Mary Sarah Sargent 1844 - 1908)

m. Alexander Malcolm Thomas (1809 - 1877)

Elizabeth Whitwell Thomas (1868 - 1952)

m. Frederick Josiah Bradlee I (1866 - 1951)

Frederick Josiah Bradlee, Jr. (1892 - 1970)

m. Chevalier Josephine de Gersdorff (1896 - 1975)

Chevalier Benjamin Crowninshield Bradlee (1921 - 2014)

m. Sally Sterling Quinn (b. 1941)

Josiah Quinn Crowninshield Bradlee (b. 1982)



  • Epes Sargent of Gloucester and His Descendants
